Saturday, November 9, 2013

Question of the Week #1 What would you recommend to a non-anime watcher?

Today we're starting a "Question of the week". We'll make a question anime related and have everyone who posts on the blog answer it and then we'll submit the post.

Feel free to share/voice your own opinion in the comments below!

This week's question:

If you had to recommend an anime to somebody who doesn't watch anime. What anime would you reccomend to them, and why?

Takashi's Answer:

I'd reccomend to them Beck: Mongolian Chopsquad. I went through all of my options like Death Note, Gurren Lagaan, Code Geass, etc, and decided that the best choice would be an anime without anything stereotypically looked down and made fun of in anime. In Death Note I think the Shinigami would weird people out, in Gurren Lagann it gets pretty strange at the end. It's a great story, but I think that part would turn off somebody, I mean it gets pretty weird and awesome... I mean, I'm trying to appeal to your average Joe that thinks anime is weird already and has a negative opinion. 

Why Beck? Beck looks kind of like a King of the Hill style animation with a japanese anime twist on it. Some of the animation is really bad but the story isn't out there like many animes, it feels like it could happen in real life today even. It's one of my favorite animes, and it inspires you to be the best at something and put some hard work into it when you finish it. It even brings out some feels in you.

Fredie's Answer:

I went through a lot of anime's, having around 150 under my belt and decided on this; Eyeshield 21. It's definately one of my favorite anime's of all time, even if you aren't a sports fan you'll still love it (Takashi being living proof). With a combination bad-assary and feels, it's enjoyable for all ages. It's not just sport action, there's also decent character development and comedy for days. Generally in my opinion, it'd be a decent first anime to watch regardless of whether you like football or not.

Chris's Answer:

I respect the options Takashi and Freddie have made. If I had to choose one anime to show to a new non-anime watcher first thought would be Naruto, but that really is not the best choice. Naruto is too long, so I would like to suggest with more thought would be Angel Beats. Angel Beats is an anime with a great story that has a balance mixture of drama, comedy, and slice of life. It has the feels that could possible affect a first time watcher and the comedy to make them laugh. The series also has a great sound track from the theme song to the tracks played during the battle scenes. Angel Beats gives characters that could be connected  to because of the stories behind each student and why they were send to this purgatory. Length wise this also a good choice not too long but the perfect start for a first timer. In my opinion Angel Beats give a good mixture of what are in anime.


  1. You should watch dragonball (z), i mean , thats just the forfather of anime,

    1. I did, back when I was a kid on Toonami. I was really sad on 9/11 when it got cancelled.
