Friday, March 23, 2012

One Piece Chapter 661 Recap

       Hello again viewers. This week we all get a little bit jealous of Sanji. As well as feel horribly sorry for Nami. Why? Well that is a simple question with a simple answer. The tragedy that befell Nami (as well as Chopper, Franky and Sanji) is that Sanji is now in her body. Yup, Law can switch personalities, a truly frightening skill to say the least. The fact that Sanji, SANJI of all people gets put in Nami's body can only mean one thing. Next weeks chapter is going to be borderline ecchi. Lets face it people, there is no way that Sanji will be able to contain himself. Besides, after two years spent running from deranged okama, I think Sanji has earned this reward.
      Back to the actual recap, um... before I go any further I want to make one thing perfectly clear. If you don't know what ecchi is than go on living your life without knowing. But if you really have to know and can't stand living without knowing what it is. Then let me give you some advise. *clears throat* DON"T GOOGLE IT!!
      Let's continue with the recap, shall we? Umm...Oh! Luffy VS. LAW. I don't think that it is going to happen. Not because Luffy can't win, but because it would be cooler if  Luffy and Law became more like...Rivals? I'm not really sure what the word is, but it is the exact same relationship that Shanks and Mihawk have. Besides, Law is too cool to simply be obviated by Luffy. So...yeah that's what I think about them fighting. On another note, I don't think that Smoker can beat Law. There is really only one reason for this conclusion, and that would be their rank. Smoker is a boss, but it would take an admiral to defeat a Shichibuki in one on one combat. 
       Last on the list of things that happened this week ( at least the ones that I can think of) is Luffy's fight against centaurs. Centaurs!! What the heck is going on inside this island! I think that what ever is going on needs to stop...except...they can keep making centaurs, because centaurs are awesome. So...that's the recap folks, see you next week, but until then don't forget to read more manga (:

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