Friday, March 2, 2012

One Piece chapter 658 Recap

    Hello again, I hope you aren't expecting any catchy opener because I don't know what to say. For the opener, not for the recap, I have plenty to say for the recap, so don't worry. To start out I want to give a shout out to Joe, if you didn't read my earlier posts I said that Joe thought the reason the weather on the island was so screwed up was because that was the place the two admirals fought. Joe was right, this chapter we learn (thanks to Smoker) that Punk Hazard was the place Akainu and Aokiji battled for the right to become the Fleet Admiral. Scary isn't it? That two people Luffy fought against were so powerful that they were able to change the climate of the island. Kinda makes Luffy look even more awesome than he already is. 
    What!? What did you say James? You don't think that what Luffy did with Akainu and Aokiji can really be called fighting? Well I was trying to play it up a little bit... but I suppose you are right, it wasn't really a fight, it was basically him getting his butt whooped...Still, he managed to get away from both of them * James coughs*...Ok, he was on the verge of death both times...But that was two years ago, who knows what what would happen now. 
     Wow, looking back I really went off of a tangent there, didn't I? NOOOOOO, MATH,  MY BRAIN, GAAAAAA!!!!!! Hahahaha, get it? Tangent, like on a calculator... sorry. *Sighs* Well, before I do something else dumb I should probably wrap up this recap. So, the other important things are as follows: saving children, finding Brook, Robin looking for a mall , and the continuing appearance of a flying bird...lady...thing. Yeah... so... thats all folks, don't forget to check out our podcast and don't for get to read more manga :)

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