Sunday, April 8, 2012

Sankarea Ep 1 review

As of the first episode I am like the series of the anime version. The coloring and artistry of the characters really did justice to them. How well they were drawn was how I imaged they would look on the small screen. As far as I could tell the first episode only had the first chapter of the manga not saying it bad though. The first episode also gave a bit more back story to the whole thing and it was a nice touch. Episode two will probably have Rea death and the episodes just might match the chapters in the manga and as the series goes on I am curious at what they will do. From what I saw I didn't see the anime move at the same pace as the manga it felt a bit slower and not as fun but it was still a good watch. If you are a fan of the manga I would totally recommend the anime.

here are a couple of pictures that compare the anime to manga. It is easy to see the different styles.

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